
My personal portfolio website, with a design based on invoices and resumes

The Renaissance Man

Howdy! I am Luqman (also goes by "Luq"), a Malaysian high school student involved in the fields of finance, business, economics, technology and software development. I am a self-taught programmer, and is a technical person. Other than that, I am also a writer, and avid music lover.

I am a native speaker of English and Malay, and a beginner in Swedish.

Currently based in

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Working as a


Posts on various topics, and my thoughts



January 2025 - Present

Founder and author, The Revelations

Founded and now actively writing for a weekly newsletter that aims to provide a comprehensive and concise overview of various topics for the aspiring entrepreneur, leaders, and curious minds.

August 2023 - Present

Active Open Source Software Developer

Developing various open-source projects to sharpen my project and time management, competency, and programming skills. Visit

Skills and Interests

Software Development


Python for Discord bots, JavaScript and HTML for the web, Rust or Go for high-performance software, x86 assembly, C, and C++ for fun. I daily drive both Linux (Ubuntu) and Windows.


Market Analysis and Private Equity

Studying signals and catalysts that drive the market, and how it influences individuals, businesses, organisations, and nations. An avid viewer of Bloomberg and CNBC. Knowledgable in private equity, venture capital, and accounting.


Startups and Business Development

Countless individuals have exceptional products, services, and ideas, but most lacks the ability to scale and catapult their business to the next level. My arsenal includes team scaling, investing rounds, and business plan development. I have researched individuals, organisations, and companies in the quest of understanding the inner workings of the business world.


Design and Technology

Keeping up with the latest breakthroughs and developments in the field of semiconductors. A loyal Intel enthusiast since 2021, with my key interests being Intel EMIB (embedded multi-die interconnect bridge), backside power delivery, Intel RibbonFat (GAAFET, gate all-around field effect transistor) and Intel 18A node.


I am available for work and open to collaboration. Reach me out on my socials, I will typically respond within 24 hours.