My personal portfolio website, with a design based on invoices and resumes
Blog posts on various topics, and my thoughts
Last updated 16th February 2025
Welcome to my blog, where I share things that I believe deserves to be on the internet but not cutout for The Revelations, random things I am interested in, and some documentation/journalling on the majors things that happened to me.
Check out my twice a month newsletter The Revelations if you are interested in becoming an aspiring entrepreneur, leader, or is simply interested in the world. Each issue exposes you, the reader, to topics that I find essential to develop a comprehensive worldview.
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Learned COBOL, some thoughts on it: Meddled with COBOL - and I have some thoughts on it
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Historical Intel CPUs: Basic overview of Intel’s historical CPUs and the changes to its microarchitecture.
High Seas 2024: My experience participating in the High Seas event hosted by Hack Club.
We are overstimulated: A look into how modern technology has disconnected us from reality, the moment, and ourselves.